Therapeutic Movement

Group classes are not for everybody. If you are recovering from an injury or illness or you haven’t exercised in a long time*, keeping up with a group class could feel daunting.

Teresa will guide you to learn, or re-learn, what your body can do. She brings years of experience in massage therapy, energetic bodywork and conscious movement brain and body practices. Her personal experience with a debilitating autoimmune illness inspires the care and compassion she brings to her clients every time.

Teresa's philosophy is based on movement that feeds your body, mind and spirit with a splash of humor. You can move in a chair or on your feet to music and have fun feeling better!

*Consult with your physician before starting this program. Medical approval is required.

Book now for your free consultation.

Polarity Therapy

Polarity Therapy was one of the most profound relaxing experiences Teresa had 20 years years ago. A massage therapist at the time, she experienced a depth of relaxation that she had not yet known, and she sought training immediately.

Polarity Therapy helps to re-balance and open the natural flow of life force in the body that can become blocked due to stress, trauma, illness or environmental factors. For more information visit

Book your appointment with Teresa.