Dancing with the Pacific

Simplicity is a wise teacher.

My practice of conscious dance continues wherever I go. I had a beautiful surprise when I was on Maui this summer. I picked up a copy of Maui Visions in a cafe and saw an ad for "Beach Dance." Music, nature, community AND dance. . . how could I possibly pass this up?! The stars were aligned because there was a dance on the beach the next evening.


Lila Danielle, the founder, met us at one of the beautiful beaches near where we were staying (btw, I don't believe there are any ugly beaches on Maui).  She led us on a short walk to a quiet area of the beach. It was late afternoon and it was perfect. Each of us received a waterproof iPod shuffle and headset to use with a one-hour playlist. We began with an introduction and intention and then started our shuffles at the same time.

The dance began. Sometimes on the sand, sometimes in the water,  connecting to someone else, nature, the music, and self.

The video above shows a special moment with a few other dancers. For this post I included the music Love Potion by Terra Nine, one of the artists on the playlist. As an observer on the beach, you would hear nothing but the waves. When I returned on Saturday morning for a second dance there were about 25 people. I floated, I moved through the water and under the waves. I had a blast. (Btw, I had no idea shuffles were THAT waterproof!)

It was a most beautiful, peaceful experience. It was SIMPLE.

If you visit Maui, look up Lila Danielle and Beach Dance. She is a lovely soul, helping people find their way through dance. We are kindred spirits.