spiritual dance

When Pain Becomes a Gift

Before you read on, please take a look at this video.

Magic happens when we move our bodies.

The pain of not being able to move -- believing my body betrayed me – feeling physical pain and mental anguish, anger, frustration and isolation -- helped me to seek and find the gift of “conscious movement.”

Ten years ago I was in a job that required me to sit at my laptop most of the day and I couldn't move much. I recall my friend inviting me to use her yoga studio at off hours "just to move." I turned on my favorite music and danced like no one was watching (and no one was!). Moving this way connected me to emotion that I was holding inside, and it did something more. It connected me to my Divine Spirit. I felt lighter. The pain was still there, but I felt peaceful and connected to myself within.

My life and my outlook began to change as I discovered different healing movement forms. 5Rhythms found me first and led to my 10-year practice and teaching of Nia. Other favorites are Soul Motion, workshops with Banafsheh and, most recently, Beachdance (more to come on this one). These practices, along with healing work in masage and Polarity Therapy have brought me to a new place and influenced my own offering of Moving Meditation.

I invite you to experience conscious movement in your own way. If you are in the NY/NJ area, here are upcoming classes and workshops.  If you are looking for some time away from home, come experience conscious movement and community at the 4th Annual Dwell In Possibilities Weekend Retreat for Women, October 23-25 in Rosendale, NY.  It is a sacred playground for inner discovery.

DIP Retreat 2014